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Teleflora LLC

At Teleflora, we’re proud to have been connecting customers with the nation’s best florists for more than 81 years. Headquartered in Los Angeles, California, Teleflora has over 10,000 member florists throughout the U.S. and Canada, with an additional 20,000 affiliated florists outside North America. It’s our mission to provide our member florists with all the tools you’ll need to grow a successful floral business, from best-in-class technologies, including our award-winning POS and web-hosting solutions, national advertising campaigns, fresh products, competitive credit card rates, to our design & business education provided by our team of education specialists to help you evolve as a florist, designer & business owner. As our valued florist partner, you have our promise: we will work with you every step of the way to ensure your business will flourish today, tomorrow and for years to come.